Cor Jesu College wears the victor’s crown as OVERALL CHAMPION in the recent Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) Mindanao Games 2015, inspired with the theme “CEAP Mindanao: Waging Peace, Forging Solidarity in Mindanao through Culture and Sports”
Cor Jesu College represents the pride of Region XI as Champion in 12 participated events (Volleyball Men, Volleyball Women, Volleyball Boys, Basketball Boys, Table Tennis Women, Badminton Men, Badminton Women, Badminton Girls, Sepak Takraw, Taekwondo Men, Taekwondo Women, Chess Men, Chess Women) last 5th CEAP Mindanao Games 2015 held on January 29-February 1, 2015 in various schools in Davao City, being the host city of the said momentous event.
The 5th CEAP Mindanao Games 2015 is participated by over 600 athletes from Regions 9,10,11 and 13.